Feb. 17

The WonderFold Fairy Strikes Again


The WonderFold Fairy Strikes Again

Jaxson's Story

This month The WonderFold Fairy found a sweet boy through Facebook, his story being shared by a friend, asking for prayers while he was hospitalized. Jaxson was born with not only Cystic Fibrosis, but a rare blood disease called Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome. According to the doctors he is the only known case with both diseases. Both have been fairly well controlled with medications and treatments. 
This year though with starting preschool we noticed an increase in his sick days. On December 2nd he came home with a strange cough, that turned severe, so we took him to ER. Within 48 hours of being at the ER, our world turned into a nightmare. 
He quickly ended up on a ventilator and then also on the ECMO. After about a week he was miraculously strong enough to come off the machines but is now dealing with very intensive rehab due to his complete loss of mobility. This is one of the side effects of being on life support for extended periods. Through all that, he has always been the strongest kid! To this day he is still blowing the minds of doctors with his progress. 
Jaxson is utilizing his W2 Elite while heading to his Physical Therapy and is now able to walk several steps BY HIMSELF! If you would like to follow his journey and see more updates on Jaxson, follow Jaxson's Journey on Facebook!

Wyatt's Story

Just like Jaxon's story proving a family can be anyone, a husband's love for his wife, wanting to make her day easier with three under three, he submitted a nomination for her. Wyatt's nomination went a little something like this, “I'm nominating my wife for this. We've got 3 sons that are 3 and under and a wagon like the w4 would make it so much easier to have family outings with the kids all in one wagon/stroller. I'm a nurse and she stays home with the boys. We walk to pick the oldest boy up from school and it would just be so incredible to have this wagon to improve our lives, I can't even describe all the ways it would take a load off of my wife and our family. Please consider us for receiving a wagon. Covid has been hard, and I work the covid unit so it's been lots of time of me being away at work and her trying to get out and do fun things with the kids and this would be a blessing. She's seen this wagon on TikTok and hasn't stopped talking about it since. Thank you for taking the time and consideration to read this.” 

Amy's Story

We have another beautiful nomination from a friend of the family being nominated. “Amy and her husband have 2 young children and recently and very unexpectedly became foster parents to 2 other children! 2 of the children have delays and behaviors (some of which are fairly extreme) and getting out with all 4 children can be a challenge. A WonderFold Wagon would be extremely helpful to their family as it would help to keep the 3 younger ones contained as they attend daily appointments and give them the confidence to go out and attend events and activities together as a family during this very challenging (yet rewarding) time in their lives.” 

How You Can Submit a Story

Be sure to check out our WonderFold Cares on Instagram and Facebook for more stories about the families who have received a special gift from our WonderFold Fairy.
If you or someone you know is in need of a WonderFold Wagon and don’t see it in the cards financially for whatever reason, please nominate on our website at WonderFold Cares. We are also always looking for amazing organizations to partner with to help on a more personal level. If you or a close friend or family member have been assisted by an organization, we would love to get in touch! Please email [email protected] and include as much contact information as possible for us to reach out! 

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